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Jan 19, 2019
LS-25 production update
This is a slightly strange 'update' post, as there is little news to update you with! The only news is that we are still waiting for the...

Nov 2, 2018
Manufacturing LS-25: the first stages
The raw materials have been purchased, the first manufacturers paid. Deliveries are scheduled and the process has begun! When the...

Oct 31, 2018
EWA LS-25: Manufacturing.
Thank you, to all who responded with interest in EWA LS-25! We want to let you know that production can begin very soon. How close are we?...

Jun 26, 2018
EWA LS-25 updates: 26 June 1018
Thank you, to all who responded with interest in EWA LS-25! So many have responded to express interest in pre-ordering some LS-25 that we...

Jun 18, 2018
LS-25 Loudspeaker Cables - Do You Want Some?
Many of you have been asking: "Will LS-25 will be available again?" We told that we hope it will - but it was unlikely due to high...
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