I wanted to draw your attention to a very helpful thread on a UK audio forum, pink fish media (or pfm - all lower case). It is an audio community I have been a part of for about fifteen years, and is a relaxed, often very droll place. (You may have noticed a link there from the footer of the webshop itself.) There is quite an ongoing discussion about EWA in several pfm threads, not least this one: EWA LS-80 speaker cables - currently at 17,778 views. I point it out as it is a pretty independent and self moderated thread of genuine user experiences, with minimal interference and no particular influence from either myself or Colin. Want to know about LS-80? Read on...
We hope you enjoy reading the comments there, and look forward to answering any questions you may have! Although we prefer that enquiries directed to us come through the contact form at ABCaudio.